"She's stunned"
What a fucking creep, he comes off like he is going to try to sell you a lighter.
Just put yourself in the girl's position.
If I was this girl, just when he starts saying "I have to go in a minute...this is really random" I would think that this is some .... guy trying to sell me shit or trying to make me give him 50c.
Just when he says "you are stunning" it comes across like he is acting. "Observational transition" LOL, what an idiot.
Dude just be normal, if you want to talk to a girl say "Hi" and be genuine and that way you will not come across like the dude who is trying to sell flowers.
My pickup tip of the day: "Put yourself in the girl's shoes". If I was this girl, this dude would freak me the fuck out.
Thats extremely racist... just because im ....stani doesnt mean im a rat. Not all muslims are rats, and thats extremely offensive to me. Dont do it again mate
So im like sugar cane.... naturally sweet... yo cant beat that